How to Decide on Toothpaste – Tips and Suggestions

Many people think that brushing their teeth twice a day is enough for maintaining proper dental hygiene, but proper dental cleaning is not that simple – picking and using the right toothpaste for the brushing is also essential for your oral health, so here are a few tips from a dentist in Highlands Ranch about how to decide on toothpaste.

Look for the Right Ingredients

One of the most important ingredients that you need if you want to maintain the health of your teeth and of your gums is fluoride. The chemical has proven enamel-strengthening qualities and it also helps fight the appearance of cavities as well as the formation of plaque. Using a toothpaste that contains fluoride is of special importance for those who suffer from diabetes because it helps prevent the appearance of inflammation in the oral cavity. To make sure your toothpaste provides sufficient protection, look for a product with a fluoride concentration of at least 1,000 parts per million.

Triclosan is another very important ingredient in toothpastes – the chemical is a potent antibacterial agent that reduces the formation of plaque and thus it helps prevent the inflammations that can lead to inflammations and gum disease.

Children or Adults?

The toothpastes developed for adults are harsher on the enamel on the surface of the teeth than the products created for children, so if you are looking for a paste to be used by your kid, pick a product that is for young users. Children often swallow the toothpaste and most adult toothpastes contain a chemical called sodium lauryl sulfate that is not supposed to be swallowed, therefore the products suitable for kids don’t include the substance in their composition


Think about Your Special Needs

Toothpastes are efficient not only in cavity prevention, but also in the treatment of other dental problems. There are special toothpastes that can help people who suffer from dental sensitivity, while other products are efficient whiteners. If you have sensitive teeth, but you are looking for an efficient way to whiten your teeth, too, use a desensitizing paste, but turn to your dentist in Highlands Ranch for professional stain removal because whitening toothpastes can be too harsh for your sensitive denture.

To find the right product, tell your dentist about the specific problem you are faced with and he or she will tell you about the best way to address the issue, including recommendations about the best toothpaste to use.

Avoid Heavily Flavored or Sweetened Toothpaste

Don’t use toothpastes that contain sugar or have a very strong flavor. Sugar is among the worst enemies of oral health, so make sure the products that you use for cleaning your teeth contain only a minimum amount of sugar or use artificial sweeteners. Heavy flavors are also to be avoided – they might upset your stomach or cause nausea.

With these tips about how to decide on toothpaste, you will surely be able to find the right product – take your time to read the product labels and decide for yourself or turn to your dentist for recommendations, the right toothpaste can make a huge difference for your oral health.