Taking a Look at Some of the Most Impressive Safety Features Offered in New Cars

Just as technology and the manufacturing process associated with new and improved vehicles continues to advance, so do the safety features being offered along with the newest cars on the market. While ensuring that you or family members are fully trained on safe driving procedures by taking drivers ed Colorado Springs classes, safety features offered in newer cars, makes driving just that much more safe. If you need a new car, and you hope that you can maximize your safety and that of your family while you’re on the road, then taking a look at the following list of the most impressive safety features offered in new cars should be among your top priorities right now:

  1. When ABS came out, a lot of people were thrilled with the new breakthroughs in braking technology that manufacturers have achieved. Today we have yet another such breakthrough, and it’s called AEB, or Autonomous Emergency Braking. Basically, if the driver’s mind wanders for a while, and it looks as though they will lose control of the vehicle, this smart feature will hit the brakes in their place, and possibly even save their life by minimizing the impact.
  2. Lane assist is not that new, but it’s still new enough that not a lot of manufacturers have it as of yet. The idea behind it is the car’s intelligent ability to keep you from drifting off your lane by gently nudging the steering wheel in the right direction. This feature can be a very useful one for tired truckers who might end up not being able to stay in full control of their vehicles after hours of continuous driving.
  3. Ever wanted a feature that would help you ace your driving exam? Reverse park assist is one such feature, although chances are you won’t be allowed to use it while coached or tested by an actual driving instructor. The feature is designed to help drivers park their cars more easily and safely, and to prevent any mishaps that could end by having to involve your insurer.
  4.  Adaptive headlights are based on a simple but extremely practical concept. Basically, newer cars have the ability to follow your steering wheel responses and adjust the way your headlights are pointing accordingly. The result will be that, when you go into a turn you no longer have to do so blindly, and you might even spot an obstacle soon enough to avoid a collision in dire circumstances.
  5. Blind spot detection features are now available for the newest version of Audi, Volvo and Hyundai’s best vehicles. While no amount of head turning and adjusting your seat might improve the visibility you have of your blind spot, this feature will do the trick by using a smart sensor that will detect any vehicles or obstacles found in your blind spot and warn you to stop, in order to avoid a collision.
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As the focus on safety and the prevention of car accidents continues to grow, car manufacturers continue to find new and improved ways to ensure better safety with their newest vehicles. The safety features presented above are just the tip of the iceberg when considering how impressive some of the leaps have been in the recent technological advancement associated with new cars. Just like, compared to the cars of the 1990s and 2000s, the vehicles built today are far superior and more secure, so will the safety and efficiency of the cars built during the next decade grow – or perhaps even more.