Understanding the Importance of an Annual Skin Exam

There are over 3,000 skin diseases. However, cancer is the most problematic of them all.

Despite the fact that skin cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer in the USA, annual skin exams can detect it in its earliest stage, and therefore can help apply the necessary treatment as soon as possible, with optimum results.

There are certain risk factors due to which an annual skin check is highly recommended. Such factors may include having red or blonde hair, having a light hair color, a skin which can get sunburn quite easily or if you have a family history of melanoma. At the same time, it may be indicated to do the annual skin exam if you had many tanning bed uses in the past or in case you have a large number of moles, i.e. over 50.

The dermatologist usually examines one’s skin from all over his/her body, and in case there are suspicious elements, the use of a dermatoscope may be necessary. As the name suggests, a dermatscope is a special tool for taking a closer look at the potentially harmful areas on your skin.

Also, the doctor may want to monitor the evolution of those suspicious spots, moles, and so on. A small sample of your lesion could also be sent to a laboratory for special testing.

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In general, a preferred dermatologist near me asserts that you should have your first skin exam in your 20s or your early 30s, in order to discover any potential issues you might have and to prevent sometimes tragic events from happening. Also, in case you have more specific concerns, you can ask from consultations from the part of your dermatologist even more often, namely several times a year.

Skin cancer screening could be considered as a good way of preventing this often deadly disease from occurring or developing at a rapid pace. Therefore, it can help detect cancer while it is in a less evolved state, and can be treated more easily, efficiently and successfully.

Melanoma can be identified by some particular characteristics, which refer to: asymmetrical shape, in the sense that melanoma does not have a round shape; they may have bumpy borders; they also can have unusual colors such as blue, black or red. At the same time, melanoma can be quite large and can grow in time.

A monthly self-check can be of great help, too. Thus, you can discover any unusual spots or moles, and you can address any concerns to your dermatologist as soon as you notice something unusual.

Annual skin checks can virtually save your life. Having an experienced, knowledgeable doctor inform you about the exact situation of your skin can be of great help and it is the best thing to do, especially if you are stressed about the possibility of skin cancer.

These skin exams can be performed on the most important parts of your body, as well as on smaller parts such as inside and behind the ears, under fingernails, between gluts, beneath any type of hair on your body, etc.